Friday, September 4, 2015

Wrapping up the Summer

This is the reason we were quite worried about how we'd ever get Collin to school on time.  We sent him to his room to brush his teeth.  He comes back to the living room with an arm full of rubber bands and dirty teeth.  
Collin didn't take many Fridays off over the summer, because it meant missing show-and-tell and soccer.  Maya and I grabbed as many days off as my work schedule allowed, one Friday hitting a nearby park and splash pad.  Sporting her shades on the playground -
She was just a tad excited about the splash pad!
Collin hit some milestone (eating correctly, not whining, can't remember what the goal was for the week) and earned a trip to Baskin Robbins.  We took Maya along for her first BR experience.  A happy occasion for all!
Lorenzo and Nico came over to swim and celebrate Lorenzo's second birthday.  He was pretty serious about his cupcake and ice cream -
Icing faces!
Maya jamming to ABC's at an after-school visit to my grandma's house - 

Near the end of August, Collin went to his last full day at his preschool.  He's been at this sweet school run through a church since he was 8-months old, and he still joins Maya there after elementary school in the afternoons.
Side shot of Maya's ponytail - the first time I got the majority of her hair in a rubber band.  And wow, my house is often messy but normally not this bad!  Looks like Maya was helping us unpack after our Florida vacation.
Last day of summer gymnastics class - Maya's favorite activity was the trapeze rides!
Spiky bathtub hair!
On the last day of summer, I met my mom and grandma at an indoor play area.  Maya got an early snack and posed with her ham-it-up "cheese" face - 
Selfie with my girl!
Maya had a great time on the slide and jumping areas -
Collin was quite brave in the 5-year-old-and-up obstacle area!
Collin loves his great grandma B, and ice cream with B was a second reason to smile!
After the indoor play area, we drove a few blocks down the street for delicious, locally made ice cream.
Then I tried to put Maya down for a nap.  Collin, though he wouldn't admit it, was exhausted too, since I had been waking him up at 6am all week to prepare for kindergarten.  He suggested they take a nap together.  Here's how that went:
Full of giggles and cuddles -
Not full of sleeping (though a flashing camera in their face did nothing to encourage sleep) -
Now their new routine at night is for Maya to yell "cuddle me, Collin" and them to spend a minute giggling before we settled everyone into their bedtime routine.  What sweetness!
On the last Saturday before school started, we rewarded Collin with a doughnut after waking at 6am and getting ready in 45 minutes, our ideal school routine.
Summer wrapped up way too quickly, but we enjoyed lots of swimming, lots of family time, and lots of ice cream and sweet treats before the school year began.

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